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The IUP Journal of Life Sciences
Determining Some Physicochemical Composition of Honey Collected from Western Amhara Region, Ethiopia

The study was carried out in Western Amhara Region to assess some of the physicochemical properties of honey. In this study, a total of 71 samples were collected from farm gates and local markets from December 29, 2006 to January 14, 2007. Various properties like moisture content, acidity and mineral contents were tested at Bahir Dar University, Food and Biochemical Technology Department. The results were compared to Ethiopian and Codex Alimentarius honey standards which revealed that more than 82% of the honey samples put under investigation meet the national and world honey standards in terms of physicochemical components under investigation. The training of beekeepers in beekeeping practices is suggested to improve the quality disparities of Amhara region honey.


Honeybee’s honey contains a complex mixture of carbohydrates, mainly glucose and fructose; other sugars are present as traces depending on the floral origin. It also contains small quantities of organic acids, lactones, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, phenolic compounds, volatile compounds, pollen, wax and pigments (Crane, 1980). The contents of these components are the most important quality criteria of honey and indicate some important deterministic quality properties of the honey (Sahinler and Gul, 2004).

The honey’s chemical composition mainly depends on the vegetation sources from which it derives, though external factors like climate, harvesting conditions and storage also influence it (Crane, 1980). Careless handling of honey can reduce its quality. Amongst the factors that most influence quality are high temperatures, length of storage and moisture content greater than 21%. They lead to fermentation, high levels of Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), loss of enzymatic activity, changes in flavor, darkening and microbial growth (Moguel et al. , 2005).

In general, honey may under no circumstances contain substances in such quantities as to endanger human health and has to be appealing for consumers to fetch a higher price in any market. Above all, adequate information availability on the quality state of honey encourages purchasers and motivates local investors to involve in processing and collection of honey.

The physical and chemical properties of Ethiopian honey were reported by Nuru (1999). Moreover, the moisture content of Ethiopian honey was reported by Gezahegn (2002). In these studies, some samples were taken from parts of Amhara region. Moreover, an attempt was made to get informative test results of the sample honey collected from SOS Sahel project intervention areas of Amhara region (SOS Sahel, 2004). However, the information so far collected concerning the honey quality state of Amhara region is not adequate. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the physicochemical composition of honey collected from Western Amhara region and to provide information for honey collectors, processors and exporters.


Life Sciences Journal, Milk Production Systems in Bure District, Amhara National Regional State, Milk Development, Marketing Systems, Agricultural Products, Feeding Systems, Calf Rearing, Milk Feeding, Bucket Feeding, Partial Suckling, Dietary Treatments, Veterinary Services.